A 2.4GHz high gain directional antenna suitable for self-made

We all know that the connection distance can be increased by using high-gain antennas for RF wireless network equipment, but the price of high-gain antennas is indeed expensive. High-end antennas are more expensive or even more expensive than network equipment.

It is not difficult to make a microwave antenna by yourself, because the microwave antenna has a high frequency, a short wavelength, and a small antenna. The result is that materials are easily available and easy to manufacture.

Making microwave antennas by yourself is also difficult. Usually when making VHF band antenna, as long as it is done according to the designed size, it can generally achieve good results, and the size requirements are not so strict. Microwave antennas are different, and relatively small dimensional errors can make the resulting antenna unusable. Taking the antenna described below as an example, the size of the quarter short-circuit line is only 4 mm smaller, and the lower limit frequency of the antenna is increased to 2.6 GHz, and the gain at 2.55 GHz is 9 dB lower, at 2.4 -The gain of 2.485GHz can be imagined.

In this frequency band, the use of a mesh parabolic reflector antenna should be a more reasonable choice. It happens that China's MMDS is also near this frequency band. There are a large number of reflective nets on the market, a few dollars, which is very valuable here Just make a feed for the 2.4-2.485 GHz frequency band.

This design is developed with reference to the structure of our products, and the structure is based on the ease of self-made materials, as shown in the figure below.

The feed in the picture is connected with a single-sided copper clad board. I am afraid that there is no shortage of this thing in the hands of fans. The detailed structure is exploded as shown below.

There are only two kinds of materials in the picture, 1.5mm thick copper clad laminate and a section of 50-5 physical RF coaxial foamed cable less than 10cm long. The upper one is used as a reflector, the two middle ones are used as half-wave vibrators, the lower one is used as a support, and the upper and lower two are also used as short-circuit points. The two vertical bars are very critical, and their length is directly related to the working frequency range of the antenna. An error of a few millimeters can cause the antenna to not be used normally.

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