Multifuctional Robot Vacuum Cleaner Multifuctional Robot Vacuum Cleaner,Multifuctional Floor Cleaning Mop,Intelligent Cordless Dry Robot ,Multifunction Intelligent Cordless NingBo CaiNiao Intelligent Technology Co., LTD , December 30 news, according to technology site Electronista report, comScore released a report on Thursday, said the iPhone 4S's listing has greatly increased the market share of Apple's smartphone in November.
According to the latest data, the Android platform's growth rate slowed down significantly from 4.4% to 3.1%. The market share of the BlackBerry platform fell to 16.6%, and the Microsoft Windows Phone platform once again fell 0.5% to 5.2%.
From the perspective of market share of mobile phone manufacturers, Samsung took the top spot with 25.6% share, while LG, Motorola and RIM saw a more obvious decline. Apple’s market share for the first time exceeded double digits due to the promotion of the iPhone 4S listing. From 9.8% to 11.2%, the growth rate was as high as 1.4%.