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According to the latest data, the Android platform's growth rate slowed down significantly from 4.4% to 3.1%. The market share of the BlackBerry platform fell to 16.6%, and the Microsoft Windows Phone platform once again fell 0.5% to 5.2%.
From the perspective of market share of mobile phone manufacturers, Samsung took the top spot with 25.6% share, while LG, Motorola and RIM saw a more obvious decline. Apple’s market share for the first time exceeded double digits due to the promotion of the iPhone 4S listing. From 9.8% to 11.2%, the growth rate was as high as 1.4%.
November apple smartphone market share increased to 29%
December 30 news, according to technology site Electronista report, comScore released a report on Thursday, said the iPhone 4S's listing has greatly increased the market share of Apple's smartphone in November.