DS26522 JTAG Scan Chain Mappin

Abstract: This applicaTIon note describes the JTAG hardware boundary scan chain for the DS26522 dual-port, single-chip transceiver. The DS26522 is composed of two dice, and the JTAG funcTIonality is the same as two separate devices daisy chained together. This applicaTIon note contains a complete breakdown of the JTAG scan chain and explains how to access all of the scan cells in the boundary.

OverviewThis applicaTIon note describes the JTAG hardware boundary scan chain for the DS26522 dual-port T1 / E1 / J1 single-chip transceiver (SCT). It is a dual-die module with two separate JTAG controllers in the same package (see Figure 1) . Notice the internal JTAG connections. The JTDI pin is connected to the JTDI input of the first die (port 1), while the JTDO pin is connected to the JTDO output of the second die (port 2). JTRST, JTCLK, and JTMS are wired together in parallel to both ports. This causes the DS26522 to appear as two separate devices in any JTAG software application. To solve this issue, two BSDL files have been created: one for port 1 and one for port 2.

Figure 1. DS26522 JTAG Scan Chain
Figure 1. DS26522 JTAG Scan Chain

If the user would like to do any type of JTAG testing that requires a board netlist, the netlist will need to be modified to ensure that there are two unique instances of the DS26522 that correspond to the two BSDL files. Table 1 contains the port location (SCT port), the pin names, BSDL cell scan position, BSDL cell name and other useful information that correspond to the pins in each BSDL file. The table has been sorted by port location (SCT number) and then BSDL cell scan position. This should allow easy access to the necessary information about which BSDL cell scan position maps to which port location and BGA pin number. Incomplete or incorrect JTAG testing can be caused by the failure to modify the netlist accordingly.

Table 1. DS26522 JTAG scan chain: BGA pin to BSDL cell mapping
SCT Port BGA Pin BSDL Scan Position BSDL Scan Name BSDL Scan Function Data Sheet Symbol Data Sheet Description
1 F8 0 TSER Observe_only TSER1 Transmit NRZ Serial Data
1 G8 1 TCLK Observe_only TCLK1 Transmit Clock
1 H8 2 TSYSCLK Observe_only TSYSCLK1 Transmit System Clock
1 - 3 - Control - -
1 J7 4 TSYNC Output3 TSYNC1 Transmit Synchronization
1 - 5 TSYNC Observe_only - -
1 - 6 - Control - -
1 G7 7 TSSYNCIO Output3 TSSYNCIO1 Transmit System Synchronization In or Out
1 - 8 TSSYNCIO Observe_only - -
1 - 9 - Control - -
1 H7 10 TSIG Output3 TSIG1 Transmit Signaling
1 - 11 TSIG Observe_only - -
1 - 12 - Control - -
1 F7 13 TCHBLK_CLK Output3 TCHBLK / CLK1 Transmit Channel Block or Transmit Channel Block Clock
1 - 14 TCHBLK_CLK Observe_only - -
1 - 15 - Control - -
1 K5 16 RSER Output3 RSER1 Received Serial Data
1 - 17 - Control - -
1 L8 18 RCLK Output3 RCLK1 Receive Clock
1 - 19 RCLK Observe_only - -
1 J8 20 RSYSCLK Observe_only RSYSCLK1 Receive System Clock
1 - twenty one - Control - -
1 K7 twenty two RYSNC Output3 RSYNC1 Receive Synchronization
1 - twenty three RYSNC Observe_only - -
1 - twenty four - Control - -
1 G6 25 RM_RFSYNC Output3 RM / RFSYNC1 Receive Multiframe or Frame Synchronization
1 - 26 RM_RFSYNC Observe_only - -
1 - 27 - Control - -
1 H6 28 RSIG Output3 RSIG1 Receive Signaling
1 - 29 RSIG Observe_only - -
1 - 30 - Control - -
1 F6 31 AL_RSIGF_FLOS Output3 AL / RSIGF / FLOS1 Analog Loss or Receive Signaling Freeze or Framer LOS
1 - 32 - Control - -
1 J5 33 RLF_LTC Output3 RLF / LTC1 Receive Loss of Frame or Loss of Transmit Clock
1 - 34 - Control - -
1 J6 35 RCHBLK_CLK Output3 RCHBLK / CLK1 Receive Channel Block or Receive Channel Block Clock
1 - 36 RCHBLK_CLK Observe_only - -
1 - 37 - Control - -
1 K6 38 BPCLK Output3 BPCLK1 Backplane Clock
1 - 39 - Control - -
1 K8 40 REFCLKIO Output3 REFCLKIO1 Reference Clock Input or Output
1 - 41 REFCLKIO Observe_only - -
1 M9 42 MCLK Observe_only MCLK Master Clock
1 K3 43 RESETB Observe_only RESETB Reset Bar
1 - 44 - Control - -
1 K4 45 INTB Output3 INTB Interrupt Bar
1 J3 46 WRB_RWB Observe_only WRB / RWB Write Bar or Read-Write Bar
1 H3 47 RDB_DSB Observe_only RDB / DSB Read Data Bar or Strobe Bar
1 L4 48 CSB Observe_only CSB1 Chip Select Bar
1 - 49 - Control - -
1 M3 50 D0 Output3 D0 / SPI_MISO Data [0] or SPI Serial Interface Data Master-In Slave-Out
1 - 51 D0 Observe_only - -
1 - 52 - Control - -
1 L3 53 D1 Output3 D1 / SPI_MOSI Data [1] or SPI Serial Interface Data Master-Out Slave-In
1 - 54 D1 Observe_only - -
1 - 55 - Control - -
1 M2 56 D2 Output3 D [2] / SPI_SCLK Data [2] or SPI Serial Interface Clock
1 - 57 D2 Observe_only - -
1 - 58 - Control - -
1 M1 59 D3 Output3 D [3] Data [3]
1 - 60 D3 Observe_only - -
1 - 61 - Control - -
1 L2 62 D4 Output3 D [4] Data [4]
1 - 63 D4 Observe_only - -
1 - 64 - Control - -
1 L1 65 D5 Output3 D [5] / SPI_SWAP Data [5] or SPI Bit Order Swap
1 - 66 D5 Observe_only - -
1 - 67 - Control - -
1 K2 68 D6 Output3 D [6] / SPI_CPHA Data [6] or SPI Interface Clock Phase
1 - 69 D6 Observe_only - -
1 - 70 - Control - -
1 K1 71 D7 Output3 D [7] / SPI_CPOL Data [7] or SPI Interface Clock Polarity
1 - 72 D7 Observe_only - -
1 J2 73 A0 Observe_only A0 Address [0]
1 J1 74 A1 Observe_only A1 Address [1]
1 H2 75 A2 Observe_only A2 Address [2]
1 H1 76 A3 Observe_only A3 Address [3]
1 G2 77 A4 Observe_only A4 Address [4]
1 G1 78 A5 Observe_only A5 Address [5]
1 F2 79 A6 Observe_only A6 Address [6]
1 F1 80 A7 Observe_only A7 Address [7]
1 E2 81 A8 Observe_only A8 Address [8]
1 E1 82 A12 Observe_only A12 Address [12]
1 E6 83 TXEN_B Observe_only TXENABLE1 Transmit Enable
1 E5 84 BTS Observe_only BTS Bus Type Select
1 D7 85 SPI_SEL Observe_only SPI_SEL SPI Serial Bus Mode Select
2 E12 0 TSER Observe_only TSER2 Transmit NRZ Serial Data
2 G11 1 TCLK Observe_only TCLK2 Transmit Clock
2 H11 2 TSYSCLK Observe_only TSYSCLK2 Transmit System Clock
2 - 3 - Control - -
2 F11 4 TSYNC Output3 TSYNC2 Transmit Synchronization
2 - 5 TSYNC Observe_only - -
2 - 6 - Control - -
2 F12 7 TSSYNCIO Output3 TSSYNCIO2 Transmit System Synchronization In / Out
2 - 8 TSSYNCIO Observe_only - -
2 - 9 - Control - -
2 E11 10 TSIG Output3 TSIG2 Transmit Signaling
2 - 11 TSIG Observe_only - -
2 - 12 - Control - -
2 G12 13 TCHBLK_CLK Output3 TCHBLK / CLK2 Transmit Channel Block or Transmit Channel Block Clock
2 - 14 TCHBLK_CLK Observe_only - -
2 - 15 - Control - -
2 H12 16 RSER Output3 RSER2 Received Serial Data
2 - 17 - Control - -
2 L9 18 RCLK Output3 RCLK2 Receive Clock
2 - 19 RCLK Observe_only - -
2 J11 20 RSYSCLK Observe_only RSYSCLK2 Receive System Clock
2 - twenty one - Control - -
2 K12 twenty two RYSNC Output3 RSYNC2 Receive Synchronization
2 - twenty three RYSNC Observe_only - -
2 - twenty four - Control - -
2 L12 25 RM_RFSYNC Output3 RM / RFSYNC2 Receive Multiframe or Frame Synchronization
2 - 26 RM_RFSYNC Observe_only - -
2 - 27 - Control - -
2 L11 28 RSIG Output3 RSIG2 Receive Signaling
2 - 29 RSIG Observe_only - -
2 - 30 - Control - -
2 J12 31 AL_RSIGF_FLOS Output3 AL / RSIGF / FLOS2 Analog Loss or Receive Signaling Freeze or Framer LOS
2 - 32 - Control - -
2 M12 33 RLF_LTC Output3 RLF / LTC2 Receive Loss of Frame or Loss of Transmit Clock
2 - 34 - Control - -
2 M11 35 RCHBLK_CLK Output3 RCHBLK / CLK2 Receive Channel Block or Receive Channel Block Clock
2 - 36 RCHBLK_CLK Observe_only - -
2 - 37 - Control - -
2 M10 38 BPCLK Output3 BPCLK2 Backplane Clock
2 - 39 - Control - -
2 L10 40 REFCLKIO Output3 REFCLKIO2 Reference Clock Input or Output
2 - 41 REFCLKIO Observe_only - -
2 M9 42 MCLK Observe_only MCLK Master Clock
2 K3 43 RESETB Observe_only RESETB Reset Bar
2 - 44 - Control - -
2 K4 45 INTB Output3 INTB Interrupt Bar
2 J3 46 WRB_RWB Observe_only WRB / RWB Write Bar or Read-Write Bar
2 H3 47 RDB_DSB Observe_only RDB / DSB Read Data Bar or Strobe Bar
2 M4 48 CSB Observe_only CSB2 Chip Select Bar
2 - 49 - Control - -
2 M3 50 D0 Output3 D [0] / SPI_MISO Data [0] or SPI Serial Interface Data Master-In Slave-Out
2 - 51 D0 Observe_only - -
2 - 52 - Control - -
2 L3 53 D1 Output3 D [1] / SPI_MOSI Data [1] or SPI Serial Interface Data Master-Out Slave-In
2 - 54 D1 Observe_only - -
2 - 55 - Control - -
2 M2 56 D2 Output3 D [2] / SPI_SCLK Data [2] or SPI Serial Interface Clock
2 - 57 D2 Observe_only - -
2 - 58 - Control - -
2 M1 59 D3 Output3 D [3] Data [3]
2 - 60 D3 Observe_only - -
2 - 61 - Control - -
2 L2 62 D4 Output3 D [4] Data [4]
2 - 63 D4 Observe_only - -
2 - 64 - Control - -
2 L1 65 D5 Output3 D [5] / SPI_SWAP Data [5] or SPI Bit Order Swap
2 - 66 D5 Observe_only - -
2 - 67 - Control - -
2 K2 68 D6 Output3 D [6] / SPI_CPHA Data [6] or SPI Interface Clock Phase
2 - 69 D6 Observe_only - -
2 - 70 - Control - -
2 K1 71 D7 Output3 D [7] / SPI_CPOL Data [7] or SPI Interface Clock Polarity
2 - 72 D7 Observe_only - -
2 J2 73 A0 Observe_only A0 Address [0]
2 J1 74 A1 Observe_only A1 Address [2]
2 H2 75 A2 Observe_only A2 Address [2]
2 H1 76 A3 Observe_only A3 Address [3]
2 G2 77 A4 Observe_only A4 Address [4]
2 G1 78 A5 Observe_only A5 Address [5]
2 F2 79 A6 Observe_only A6 Address [6]
2 F1 80 A7 Observe_only A7 Address [7]
2 E2 81 A8 Observe_only A8 Address [8]
2 E1 82 A12 Observe_only A12 Address [12]
2 E7 83 TXEN_B Observe_only TXENABLE2 Transmit Enable
2 E5 84 BTS Observe_only BTS Bus Type Select
2 D7 85 SPI_SEL Observe_only SPI_SEL SPI Serial Bus Mode Select
ConclusionThis application note explains in detail about the JTAG hardware boundary scan chain for the DS26522 (SCT). The DS26522 is composed of two die and the JTAG functionality is the same as two separate devices daisy chained together. The application note also contains a complete breakdown of the JTAG scan chain and explains how to access all of the boundary scan cells in the device.

If you have further questions about the DS26522 or our Telecom products at Maxim, please contact the Telecommunication Applications support team through email at var name = "Telecom.Support @"; var domain = "maxim-ic.com"; document.write ( "" + name + domain + ""); Telecom. or call 972-371-6555.

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