The needleless electronic acupuncture device does not feel pain without needles, but can enjoy the benefits of acupuncture. The figure is the circuit schematic diagram of the electronic acupuncture device. The power supply of the circuit is 9V battery B1. The switch S1 is used to turn on and off the electronic acupuncture device. It is structurally linked with the potentiometer R10. Resistor R1 is used to limit the power consumption of the circuit. R2-R4, C1 and 556 form a dual timer. When S2 is open, the charge and discharge time of C1 is about 0.5 seconds, and when S2 is closed, the charge and discharge time of C1 is about 0.25 seconds. The ICl5 pin is the output of the first timer. It is sent to the I1 pin via R5 and C3. This part forms the second timer circuit with R7, R8 and C4. The inductance pulse time is added to the base of the transistor Q1 through the current limiting resistor R8. When Q1 is turned on, the primary of the audio transformer T1 is grounded for a short time, and no current flows through T1. Capacitor C5 is initially charged through T1 when Q1 is off, and discharged through Q1 when Q1 is on, so that C5 is charged and discharged as T1 is energized and the current is cut off. The charging cycle makes the rise and fall time of the pulse slower, and at the same time increases the duration of the pulse sent from T1, making the output waveform closer to half a sine wave. C6, D1 and R9 form the output waveform shaping circuit. Potentiometer R10 is used to adjust the pulse amplitude. The maximum pulse amplitude can reach about 200V, the pulse duration is 2ms, and the total current consumption does not exceed 10mA. Small computer system interface (SCSI) is an independent processor standard for system level interfaces between computers and intelligent devices (hard disks, floppy drives, optical drives, printers, scanners, etc.). SCSI is an intelligent universal interface standard. VHDCI-90°SCSI Section ShenZhen Antenk Electronics Co,Ltd ,