The Verge Chinese Station reported on October 3 Of the smartphones I've used so far, Moto Z Play has the strongest endurance. As the third member of the Moto Z family, this undoubtedly makes it more competitive. If the mobile's battery life is your most important factor, then I strongly recommend that you try Moto Z Play. Although various manufacturers have always emphasized that their products can continue to work under full-charge conditions for a maximum of 2 days, the actual situation has never been so beautiful. The emergence of Moto Z Play is bound to overturn people’s preconceptions about this. 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Rv-playlist-list li a:hover div span{height:36px}@media only screen and (min-width:1260px){.rv-adjust-wide-article{width:895px;margin-left:-97px}} The mobile phone from Lenovo allows users to use the plug for two days without delay after charging at night. There is no incidental restriction on the above statement on battery life. All this seems very simple, Moto Z Play is equipped with a large-capacity battery, a new mid-high-end processor, 1080p display and 3GB of memory. The configuration looks unimpressive, and the performance of the camera is also quite satisfactory. There may be various pre-installed software. The vendor's software update is usually very slow, but the approachable price, sensitive response and incredible life Time still makes Moto Z Play attractive. The price of this product is 450 US dollars (about 3,000 yuan). Moto Z Play is targeted at the public in the Moto Z series. The display uses a 5.5-inch Super AMOLED screen with a resolution of 1080p. The material is still the combination of glass and aluminum, with the same anti-splatter performance as the other products in the series, but it is only 6.99mm in thickness and 5.82oz (165g) in terms of thickness and weight, which is slightly heavy. The bottom of the fuselage has a USB-C connector and a headphone jack. The volume and power buttons are located on the right side of the fuselage. They are still in close proximity to the top. The distance between them occasionally causes misunderstanding. The bottom square fingerprint sensor is still conspicuous as always. Z Play is slightly better than Moto Z in terms of texture, the glass material looks more beautiful, and fingerprint scanning is more convenient. But strangely enough, Z Play’s body is easier to scratch before and after it than the other phones I’ve used recently, so it’s hard to avoid doubt about its durability. MotoMod magnetic terminal is probably the most ugly point of the design of this mobile phone, 16 interfaces in the back of the phone at the corner of a rounded rectangular area arranged in two lines. However, with the help of various mobile phone cases, this is not a problem at all. I currently know very little about the various functional modules, are most interested and are the only ones that may be purchased. For consumers who want to experience the MotoMod function, Moto Z Play is the cheapest model, but "modularity" is not the biggest reason to buy this phone. The camera is obviously not very attractive either. Z Play is equipped with a 16-megapixel sensor, f/2 aperture, laser phase detection auto focus and 4K video recording function. Under good light conditions, the shooting results are still very good. The camera software is optimized in low light mode and the shutter speed is excellent. However, in terms of image quality, Z Play is still inferior to last year's Nexus 5X. For consumers who focus on camera performance, they need to be cautious in terms of choice. Again, the absolute advantage of Z Play is reflected in its amazing life time. Moto Z Play is equipped with a Qualcomm Snapdragon 625 processor, which is obviously inferior to the Snapdragon 820 that is commonly found in high-end mobile phones. However, it does not have any performance problems in daily use. There is no apparent delay in performing any operation in Play. This is fundamentally different from other midrange products using the Snapdragon 617, such as the Moto G4. For 90% of the tasks, Moto Z Play gives people the same feeling as the flagship products. The main difference is in game applications. It does not have enough image processing performance to deal with various latest games. If you are not very critical of the game's picture, you can still experience things like Pokemon Go, The Room, Monument Valley and Games like Lara Croft Go are fun. Since the phone is only equipped with 3GB of memory, when the system returns some background applications in a multitasking environment, the system may appear more frequent for their overload, although this is basically not a problem for me. Compared with more powerful processors, the performance tradeoffs of the Snapdragon 625 are almost unnoticeable, but this design idea has greatly improved the performance of the device in terms of endurance. Tests conducted by the technology media "The Verge" on mobile phone products are almost useless in the face of Moto Z Play. Their performance in this area greatly widens the gap with similar products. Therefore, I decided to investigate through the time when the screen was continuously on. For me, the vast majority of Android phones will basically run out of power for 4 to 5 hours while keeping their screens lit. Many of them cannot even do this. Moto Z Play's performance completely refreshed my mind, and in the case of adjusting the brightness of its screen to approximately 75%, the phone adhered to 7 to 8 hours. Obviously, no one will stare at the phone screen for so long in one day. As far as my personal use is concerned, Moto Z Play worked without pressure for 2 consecutive days after completing the charge, and sometimes it could even persist until the 3rd day. Whenever a day's work is going to end, I'm anxious about the power of my cell phone. However, when I pulled out of the Moto Z Play to view it, as much as 80% of the remaining battery was really shocking. Although the product offers various energy-saving modes and optimization settings, I never enabled these options. As far as battery life is concerned, none of the phones have ever had a similar performance. The Galaxy S7 Edge has not done so, and the iPhone 7 Plus has done the same. Of course, these high-end mobile phones are more advanced in various technologies, but the experience of using Moto Z Play makes me wonder: Is a 2K display or a super-powerful processor really what I need? This level of cruising performance is enough to give us a new level of freedom in the use of mobile phones. Whether it's streaming a bunch of web videos or watching a full movie, it's not a big deal! Even on intercontinental flights, there is no need to worry about the problem of low battery power. In addition, Moto Z Play is also based on the Android 6.0 Marshmallow software provides a variety of outstanding features, such as Moto Voice and Moto Display. In the face of the new iPhone, the ever-challenged Note, and the forthcoming Pixel, Moto Z Play is still a bit eclipsed. However, for the same series, instead of purchasing the ultra-thin Moto Z or the solid Moto Z Force, consider this Z Play, especially those who are bored with carrying chargers or mobile power day after day. That's even more so. Although this phone lacks a unique and unique advantage in other aspects, but in truth, the longevity of up to 2 days is enough for many people! (Author: Chris Welch compile: Dahe) Click to view original english The Chinese related rights of the works of The Verge in the United States belong to Tencent Corporation and may not be reproduced or excerpted without authorization. .wxdigi { padding:20px 0; border-top: 1px dotted DBDBDB; } 50L Agriculture Drone,Agriculture Electric Sprayer Uav,Agriculture Sprayer Fertilizer Drone,Drone Sprayer Xuzhou Jitian Intelligent Equipment Co. Ltd , ",n+="
Moto Play doesn't say anything about life! Use 2 days without pear
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